Dead Heat: “*You’re* a Zombie – Let’s Go Kill Them!” (Or, Why You Should Always Double Tap)

Graaaaa… BRAIIIIII- *ahem*, oops, sorry, something got caught in my throat. I’m here today to tell you a story. It’s not a pretty story — full of brains in more ways than one — but it’s the truth. It happened in High Park last Saturday. And now we all must…

The (Science’s Proper Role in Morality) Party Don’t Start Til I Walk In!

Alternate title: a pretend essay on Sam Harris’s The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values (Free Press, 2010) . “Pretend” because if a student handed in something like this to me and called it an “essay,” I would probably send it back, but this is a blog, so…