TV is a strange medium. I forget how strange until I suddenly get caught up in a TV show again (yes, it’s House M. D. Why? I don’t know. I still don’t like any of the characters, I still get frustrated by the various cliches/thematic holes, and I still know…
But first, two things to look forward to: Diana Wynne Jones has a new book coming out this year: Enchanted Glass. About what? I don’t know, but I’ll buy it and read it and pat it and love it and call it George! Second… uh, well, Andrew Lloyd Webber is…
(In my defense, there’s no un-sucky title for a review of Watchmen. 10 points for a bad pun, 20 for a reference to quis custodiet ipsos custodies, 50 if you get both.) So. If you have even browsed this blog in the past, or talked to me once or twice…
Actual ramblings this week. You’ve been warned. You know the “magician” episode of any show that claims it deals with science vs. superstition? The one where the main characters for whatever reason encounter a professional magician? And somehow, the character who’s always right (can be either Reason or Faith, depending…
Once, in one of my Drama classes, we got into a discussion about blackface. A lot of drama students are interested in musical theatre, and one of the ancestors of American musicals as we know them today is the minstrel show, in which white actors (and sometimes African-American ones, too)…