I, For One, Welcome Our New 2015 Overlords

Last year, I set some goals for myself for the year. Now that we’re here in 2015, let’s see how well 2014 measured up.

… OK, fine. Let’s see how well I measured up in 2014. (Spoilsports).

Drum roll, please!
1. How to roller skate (not blade).

As my friend Amanda pointed out, it’s kind of cheating to have included this one — when I wrote this goal, I’d already planned a roller-skating get-together in Jan. 2014. Still, totally did it. YOU CAN’T JUDGE ME!

2. How to roll tack.

I practiced a bit, but I learned something a little different: my bad arm really, really doesn’t like sailing. So although I do enjoy sailing, it’s going to have to be a sometimes activity for me. Maybe next year, I’ll be able to take another two-day lesson session. We’ll see.

3. How to spar in boxing lessons.

I did! It was fun! I’m not quite ready to do it every week, but I want to work toward it again.

4. How to make at least one type of Ethiopian stew.

Still working on it. I got the ingredients and the spices. Now I just need some time to make it — and a chance to pick up some injera from the store across town that sells it.

5. How to use AutoHotkey.

Nope. But I’m also not sure I want to. Hmmm…

6. How to continue sending writing submissions like it’s my job.

Yeah! I shifted my concentration from submissions to revisions based on the results of my last round. I went way past the deadlines I set for myself, but overall, I’m really happy with the writing work I did this year.

7. How to use a text expander effectively.

I started using PhraseExpress during term-paper marking this year. I feel like there’s way more I can do with it, but for now, it’s pretty darn useful. I’d say I’ve half-completed this one.

8. How to cartwheel in good form consistently.

I did improve my cartwheeling quite a bit. But I think my joint problems are bad enough that I need to limit my physically stressful activities. I love hockey and boxing, so, sorry, acro. For now, you’re off the list.

9. How to  “fence as a martial art.”

I did not. I’d still like to, though! Anyone want to join me?

10. How to continue going to bed by midnight almost every night.

One step forward, two steps back? Is that how it goes?

I moved in with the bf this May, so I can partially blame my difficulties on the fact that he’s often up until 4am or so. But I have to take some of the responsibility on my own shoulders: I don’t need to check that meme website yet again, beat another Pokemon gym, or wait until the very last minute to take a shower.

More work on this one.

From 2013:

3. How to be Cinderella. [go to bed by midnight except when required otherwise by professional activities or New Year’s Eve]

See above. :-P

9. How to be my own Internet nanny.

Um… that whole “one step forward, two steps back” thing is also applicable here. Having a tablet helps — I didn’t install a browser (though I have a portable version on my microSD card), so I can do most work offline. Buuut… my biggest workload, marking papers, has to be done online so I can view student work through Turnitin and post marks and comments.
I do try to move away from the computer between work sessions, if only because my bad arm needs a break from the uncomfortable position.

From 2012:

3. How to get a paper accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed academic journal.

I’m proud of my academic research, but I realized this year that it’s not where my heart is. The reason I haven’t published academically is because, well, I don’t want to write academic papers, at least not at this stage in my life. It’s been hard to accept, because I worry that I’m disappointing people who worked hard to help me or shooting myself in the foot when it comes to staying in the job market. But I have to be honest to others and true to myself.

I like the life I have now. I like teaching and writing and theatre. I’m good at research, but right now, today, for Present Sarah, it’s not my bag.

4. How to donate blood (or get medically disqualified from doing so, should that turn out to be the case).

Yeah…. Still have to do this. Maybe I do find even the CHEO baby needles really uncomfortable, but I won’t know if I can deal with donating blood until I try. Jeez, this is getting ridiculous.

5. How to downhill ski, water-ski, or both.

There’s still time this winter!

6. How to play the jaw harp.

Um… this one may be with me for a while, I tell ya what.

From 2010:

4. How to play The Orange Box and Portal without dying, turning off the computer in fright at Ravenholm, and/or getting stuck in the corner every two seconds.

*sigh* Anyone have professional qualifications to be a Half Life 2 buddy and/or concierge? Serious applications only.

5. How to work with a literary agent and editor.

I feel like I’m getting closer each year. So although I can’t tick this off yet, I’m still happy with my progress.

6. How to speak and read German and/or Yiddish.

Duolingo says I can understand 37% of all German. I think it’s full of you-know-what. However, I feel ready to start on children’s books. Berlin cousins, any suggestions apart from The Neverending Story (which is on the list by default because, duh!)?

That’s a lot to carry forward, but I’m game. Not only that, but I, Sarah Kriger, will also learn the following things in the upcoming year:

1. How to read my first German book.
2. How to make caramel from scratch. (It’s never worked out for me! Time to change that.)
3. How to make marshmallows from scratch.
4. How to make cheese from scratch. (Ricotta, I hear?)
5. How to make beer or wine from scratch. (Sensing a pattern?)
6. How to tie a half Windsor knot without referring to the Internet or another reference. (Serious, it’s about time!)
7. How to switch from Dropbox to Google Drive as my primary storage service. (Sorry, DB, but I’m running out of room, and my employer has a partnership with your competitor, dontcha know?)
8. How to get my USB flash drives to sync automatically with folders on my computer.
9. How to get my library holds list down to 0. (To dreeeeaaaaam…. the impossible dreeeeeaaaaam….)
10. How to finish watching the DVDs sets I bought and shrink my Netflix queue.

Happy New Year, everyone!


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