So there I was, happily returning home from two weeks off-the-network at the cottage, when my boyfriend dropped a break-up bombshell. Uh, not our break-up. We’re still together. No, it’s worse than that. Mulder and Scully are no longer a couple.
No, not this one, of which I wasn’t too fond. This one. One of the awesomest parts of being a writer is that watching and reading fantastic stories is a legitimate way of learning to be better at what I do (some would say the best way). I get the…
When I was thirteen, there was a group of people on the Internet who were completely, objectively incorrect.
Thanks to my mother, our family is actually mixed-religion: part Jewish, part Trekkie. We do not criticize the original series in our house; we do not point out its logical flaws, cringe at its old-fashioned attempts at equality, or imitate William Shatner’s staccato delivery. In Spock we trust. Because Mom…
Happy Pesach! Did you hear? The X Files, everyone’s favourite ’90s paranormal procedural, is hauling back David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson as Mulder and Scully for a six-episode miniseries. The show’s creator, Chris Carter, is on board! He’s had thirteen years to think about it! Whee! (Best finding-the-afikoman-prize ever!) There…
Let’s get this out of the way: Elementary lacks a certain je-totally-sais-quoi compared to other contemporary Sherlock Holmes TV series. Its mysteries often make little sense ; the bad guy is almost always the only next-tier guest actor who is not a canonical character; and in one of its recent episodes,…
One thing — okay, one of the many things — that troubled me about J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series is how it deals with murder. In the third book, we learn along with Harry that there are three Unforgiveable Curses: the Imperius Curse, which forces the caster’s will upon…
What do boy wizard Harry Potter and Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchum have in common? Apart from messy black hair? Answer: another kid against whom competition feels personal. Someone competing at the same level but for the other side. Someone whose actions hike up the in-story tension. In short… a rival.
Labour Day is fast approaching, and with it the crisp weather and colourful foliage of fall. If, like me, you work in academia or education, the more intense part of your job is on the horizon (or already here, depending on whether, like me, you left all your planning for the end…
(tl;dr — because I am contrary!) CBS’s Elementary and the BBC’s Sherlock are the most well known current television updates of the Sherlock Holmes stories. Both follow the adventures of the Great Detective and his bff, Watson, transposed into the 21st century, with a healthy helping of original plot and characters. Judging by…