Apparently, I’m not done with deciding my favourite stories are sexist yet. (But I am done with sharing this link to the first episode’s new series starring Swaim and DOB, because I for some reason find it to be unadulterated hilarity. Suggestive content, sexual themes, and bad language.) My…
I read Sarah Rees Brennan’s novel The Demon’s Lexicon last weekend. It was quite enjoyable (although I still don’t understand the title, but nevermind, I’m always missing details by the end of a book), and I recommend it. However, I’m bringing it up mainly because it reminded of something I’ve…
So, about strong women in fiction. And I don’t mean strong only in this sense. This past month, I had the opportunity to work with U of T’s Drama Centre on a production as a historical consultant and a co-lighting-designer. While doing one of the many tasks that fall to…
So this isn’t “next week” as promised. Sorry. As it is wont to do, real life interfered. But you know what? That’s probably for the best. Because last week, I’d watched only the first season of Dexter, the one based on the book. This week, I’m already halfway through the…
This just in: video and printed words are different media! Which means that what is purportedly the “same” story tends to change in scope and sometimes plot when transferred from one to the other. Why am I thinking about this now? Because I’m a huge fan of Jeff Lindsay’s Darkly…
Maybe you, too, read the short story “The Lady or the Tiger”, by Frank Stockton, in middle or high school. If you didn’t, read it now, because I’m going to spoil it in the next paragraph.
Hooray! Internet again! The Highlights Whole Novel Workshop was an amazing experience, and much thanks goes out to the instructors and the conferees, who’ve put me back on track with my MS Bad Light (sample chapters still under revision, but the pitch is up on my “Books” page). And New…
Because why would I ever get tired of rambling on about my opinions instead of doing actual work?
Here’s the thing about me and characters from plays: I don’t care about them. Not really. Now, I love plays, and believe me, when I watch one, if there’s a character who’s particularly cool or hateful or attractive, I’m certainly rooting for them or interested in them or hoping they’ll…